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Performing Magic During Covid19


Adding Magic Entertainment Safely to

Corporate & Private Parties at Your Home


Performing Live Entertainment During CoronaVirus/Covid19 — The New Normal

Recently, my first live show in almost 6 months was at a home party for a small group of 6 friends after their dinner and dessert.  The guests sat on the couch around a coffee table where they could easily see and appreciate the close-up magic.  One of the ladies, the guest of honor, sat near one side of the coffee table and agreed to participate on behalf of the group.  We used hand sanitizer and all the props were clean before the show.  We did a one hour show featuring a few custom effects for the occasion.  For the finale, I made the planet Mars disappear from the eastern evening sky for one of the guests, an astronomy professor from Arizona State University.  We all went outside and Mars was not visible, thanks to a bright moon and some clouds.  Magic happens!

“Thanks Eric, I always enjoy your show!”  ~Mark G.

This past week, I was booked by a gentleman celebrating his 49th birthday and his friend celebrating his 50th.  The performance was for their families.  8 people in total.  Same setup, in the living room, they sat on couches around a coffee table.  The 4 kids (ages 10-13) all used the hand sanitizer and participated in the show.  Their facial expressions of awe and bewilderment were priceless.  They really made the show!

“You are FANTASTIC, we will spread the word!”  ~Steve W.

These are two examples of my specialty niche in the new era of social distancing.  First and foremost, I want my audience to feel safe and comfortable so they can relax and enjoy the experience of a live magic show.  Groups of 12 people or less, friends, family, clients, and coworkers are ideal.  I arrive wearing a cool mask and greet everyone with a bow.  I’m totally hands-off, no handshakes or hugs yet.  With only a table and 2-3 small bags of magic, we set up in the living room around a coffee table, or a dining room table, or ideally outside around a patio table.  The one hour show features beautiful visual magic effects, custom magic effects (for birthdays, holidays, etc.), audience-driven comedy, and a soundtrack of classical music.  It’s a combination of close-up and stand-up magic, and when conditions are right, astronomical illusions as well.  One person, ideally the guest of honor will be the primary participant during the show.  Afterward, it feels like a celebration of the art of magic and everyone feels awed, mystified, and wonderful!

Consider having me when you host a corporate event at your home.  You will enjoy giving your guests a surprise they will relish and remember.  You will be more than pleased when you hear the rave reviews.  And you can trust working with an experienced professional who cares about your event as much as you do.  Submit the inquiry form on this website or call to discuss the details and book me today.  Your guests are waiting to be amazed!